Sustainability ranking

How much does Abia State owe? How well has Katsina managed its debt so that it can comfortably borrow more? Explore information on debt sustainability ranking in Nigeria. Analysis of State to State data on debt management.

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Sustainability Rank

Most Sustainable

Least Sustainable




2022 Methodology

This research methodology analyses the performance of states using four indices: Index A, Index A1, Index B, and Index C. Index A measures states' dependence on federally distributed revenue, with higher-ranking states showing greater viability as independent entities. Index A1 assesses states' growth in internally generated revenue, indicating their progress in reducing reliance on federal transfers. Index B examines the availability of public revenue for capital expenditure after meeting financial obligations, highlighting the risk of under-implementing budgets for lower-ranking states.

Index C evaluates states' debt profiles and their capacity to borrow, suggesting the adoption of Public-Private Partnership models for lower-ranking states with constrained revenue. Index D focuses on states' prioritisation of capital expenditure, revealing the need for lower-ranking states to invest more in human capital development.

Index D10%
Index C15%
Index A120%
Index A25%
Index B30%

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State of States Report

Every year, through the State of States report, we assess the long-term fiscal sustainability of all the 36 Nigerian states, and we rank their fiscal performance, from the most sustainable to the least sustainable.

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